I love going to dinner with my girlfriends and their husbands. I make certain I'm sitting next to the husband so I can slip my hand under the table and play with his cock and balls while wifey reads the menu. I wear low-cut tops to give him a great view while I brush the side of my ample tit against his bicep all through dinner.
I've found that if you tease a man enough, and refuse to give him what he wants, that he will become practically obsessed with you. Talk about power!
If a man is lucky enough to get past the teasing and into my bed, he's in for the ride of his life. I'm into things that are expressly forbidden and taboo. Pushing the envelope is what it's all about. The rush I get from experimenting with the extreme is indescribable. I suppose it's the whole "forbidden fruit" mentality. Tell me I can't have, or do, something and I want it that much more. Open the cage and let those freaky fantasies out into the light so we can tame them together.